Pros & Cons of Remote Working
🚗 You don't need to commute to work. You spend that time doing things you love instead - did someone say morning yoga 🧘?
🧳 Ability to travel and work at the same time.
👌 Set up your work space exactly as you like it.
🐈 Possible to spend more time close to loved ones or animals.
🕰️ More flexibility in the times you're working. (We practice ASYNC working as much as we can).
🎯 Easier to have concentrated focus time.
🏠 The lines between work and personal space can become blurred unless you make specific efforts to plan your time & working space.
🚸 Easy to get distracted and "over commit" to family activities.
☕ Hard to really get to know your colleagues and spend time having small conversations beside a coffee machine.
😔 Easier to get lonely without personal interactions.
😮💨 Days can suddenly become meeting heavy since small conversations aren't happening naturally in the office.

Damien, what is the key advantage of remote working to you?