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Pros & Cons of Remote Working


🚗 You don't need to commute to work. You spend that time doing things you love instead - did someone say morning yoga 🧘?

🧳 Ability to travel and work at the same time.

👌 Set up your work space exactly as you like it.

🐈 Possible to spend more time close to loved ones or animals.

🕰️ More flexibility in the times you're working. (We practice ASYNC working as much as we can).

🎯 Easier to have concentrated focus time.


🏠 The lines between work and personal space can become blurred unless you make specific efforts to plan your time & working space.

🚸 Easy to get distracted and "over commit" to family activities.

☕ Hard to really get to know your colleagues and spend time having small conversations beside a coffee machine.

😔 Easier to get lonely without personal interactions.

😮‍💨 Days can suddenly become meeting heavy since small conversations aren't happening naturally in the office.



Damien, what is the key advantage of remote working to you?

My familly is scattered around two different parts of France. With my wife (also remote working), we decided to have two houses, so that we could live close to both places. Hence, we freely commute during weekends, and spend time on one or the other place as we see fit.

Clément, how has remote working impacted your everyday life?

With two little ones👶👶joining the family recently, it has been a real game-changer to be able to take breaks and give a hand when it was needed at home 🍼🍼. The lack of commuting also helps me build a healthier lifestyle, spending more time in nature and cooking for family with fresh ingredients🌿🍲.